150,00 1.000,00 


Shelf life information:

VALORON N buy, The units of the product provided by us with the designation Valoron N drops100/8 mg 20 ml are without exception pharmacy quality items in mint condition. If you accidentally receive a delivery that does not meet this specification, you will receive your money back or a new delivery. After expiry of the shelf life, the medication must be disposed of according to the manufacturer's instructions (see package insert).

Availability details:

The product with the name Valoron N Drops100/8 mg 20 ml is available for immediate shipment.

Country-specific restrictions on deliverability:

There are currently no country-specific delivery restrictions for the product called Valoron N Drops100/8 mg 20 ml.


Please keep the product called Valoron N Drops100/8 mg 20 ml in its original packaging out of the reach of children. For any additional information on proper storage and disposal, please refer to the package leaflet.

Additional information


20ml, 100ml, 200ml, 300ml


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